Published inAWS TipAWS organization on personal account part 3 : budgets and cost reportsWelcome to the third part in this series, this time we will setup some alerting for your AWS bills, understand how tagging done in part 2…Feb 14, 2023Feb 14, 2023
Clean AWS organization on your personal account part 2: enforce tag policyWelcome to the second part in this series, this time we will setup on tag policy for your AWS resources, that will allow us to define…Feb 13, 2023Feb 13, 2023
Published inAWS TipClean AWS organization on your personal account part 1: SSO accessHello here, this post will relate my journey to upgrade my own AWS account to "production like" standard in term of security, organization…Feb 10, 2023Feb 10, 2023
Airflow 2.0 on docker-composeSo you heard of the brand new Airflow 2.0 and want to run it on your own machine to give it a go.Jan 25, 20212Jan 25, 20212
Published inJobTeaser EngineeringCronjob 101 part 2Hello there for the second part of cronjob 101.Sep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019
Published inJobTeaser EngineeringPython Packaging : How do we manage it at JobTeaserBy hosting it on AWSFeb 7, 2019Feb 7, 2019
Published inJobTeaser EngineeringKubernetes Cronjob 101 part 1In this article I will try to explain with some specific examples how to run Cronjob on Kubernetes.Aug 28, 20185Aug 28, 20185
Autoscaling in Dynamodb with boto3In this post I will explain how to create table of dynamodb, that will scale in response to increasing requests, for complete details about…Apr 8, 20182Apr 8, 20182